This application is made in terms of the Quota Allowance Allocation System in respect of one of the following:

  • European Union World Trade Organisation (WTO) High Quality Beef Tariff Rate Quota (“Allocation System”)
  • European Union WTO Sheepmeat and Goatmeat Tariff Rate Quota (“Allocation System”)
  • United States Beef and Veal Quota (“Allocation System”)
  • United Kingdom WTO High Quality Beef Tariff Rate Quota (“Allocation System”)
  • United Kingdom WTO Sheepmeat and Goatmeat Tariff Rate Quota (“Allocation System”)
  • United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Beef Tariff Rate Quota ("Allocation System")
  • EU FTA beef
  • EU FTA beef (FCFS)
  • EU FTA sheepmeat and goatmeat (fresh/chilled) (FCFS)
  • EU FTA sheepmeat and goatmeat (frozen) (FCFS)

Sections 4 and 13 of the Allocation System are of particular relevance when completing this application

Upcoming Quotas

EU high quality beef (quota year being 1 July to 30 June)

UK high quality beef (quota year being 1 July to 30 June)

Open for Application

Please select all quota you wish to apply for (multiple quotas can be applied for in one submission).

Final date to apply*
Relates to quota year

*The application must be lodged with the Board on or before 15 April (for EU WTO High Quality Beef and UK WTO High Quality Beef) or 15 October (for EU WTO Sheepmeat and Goatmeat, UK WTO Sheepmeat and Goatmeat, US Beef and Veal, EU FTA Beef and UK FTA Beef) prior to the commencement of the Quota Year to which this application relates.

Applicant Details

Contact persons

Specify two people who are authorised to act as agents of the applicant (eg. Chief Executive, Marketing Manager).

If quota documentation services provided by third party please provide details.

Account Invoicing

Statement Communications


  1. The applicant agrees to be bound by the terms of the Allocation system which the applicant has received, and which I have read prior to making this application.
  2. All the statements contained in this application and any attached documentation are to the best of my knowledge true and correct.
  3. The applicant acknowledges that it will immediately advise the Board in writing of any change of any of the details contained in this application.
  4. The applicant agrees to pay the required participation fee to process this application.


Once you click ‘Send’ a completed application form with be automatically emailed to the Board.