What about exporting product elsewhere – i.e. to countries outside of the US, UK and EU quota markets?

The New Zealand Meat Board only handles the export of meat into the US, EU and UK quota markets. For enquiries relating to other countries, you can obtain more information from Beef + Lamb New Zealand or contact Meat Industry Association for all trade enquiries, see links below.

It is worth noting that there is scope to export additional beef into the EU, under the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) global quota. This involves New Zealand competing for the following quota volumes:

                53,000 tonnes for frozen meat of bovine animals
                63,703 tonnes for frozen beef intended for processing
              116,703 TONNES TOTAL

The quota is administered by the EU and attracts an ad valorem duty of 20%.

New Zealand trade policy and advocacy

The farmer-levy funded organisation Beef + Lamb New Zealand has a dedicated team providing detailed background information and analysis to the Government to support bilateral, plurilateral and multilateral trade negotiations with other countries.

Its Trade and Advocacy web page has useful links and includes fact sheets on sheepmeat, beef and veal tariffs.

Visit B+LNZ Trade and Advocacy web page

Trade enquires

Trade enquiries are managed by the Meat Industry Association (MIA) – an incorporated society representing and advocating on behalf of New Zealand’s sheep and beef processors and exporters.

Access MIA Trade Enquiry form

Alternatively – if you are an importer overseas looking to purchase New Zealand beef or lamb, you can contact meat processors directly.

Visit MIA website for beef and sheepmeat exporters’ contact details